Question 5


How I attracted the audience
For the film Delusion we attracted the target audience by doing a number of things. The main thing which we did which I felt would attract the audience the most is the fact that I created a website. The website looks really slick and modern and looks very unisex so that it is not just sticking to one audience and means therefore that hopefully anyone who views the website would be interested in seeing the film. On the website we included exclusive interviews, as well as quotes by each of the members of the teams, and one thing that made us quite different from other films is that we actually made the website so that anyone who views it has the chance to write us an email and we can get back with answers to questions. The link for the website is below: 

We also made a film poster, as well as a billboard poster, this will make us stand out as many films do not actually have billboard posters, and our film having this means that it can be posted on things such as buses and so on. The film poster looks very good and professional and I think that if people saw that then it would really attract them to see the film. The pictures are below:

     How did you attract/address your audience


We did both a handwritten survey which we presented to only a group of year 10s which is placed below, and then we also did a survey monkey which is an online questionnaire, which we did for both teens and for adults. The pictures below are the results which we received:

The first question that we asked was 'How old are you?'  27 people answered the survey and all of them answered this survey. We made sure that all of the people who we got to till out the questionnaire were not under 12. From the results, around half of the people who we asked were above 21 and around the other half were 12-15. Then we also had a small proportion of people who were 15-18. Therefore all of the people who we got answers for were in the right age range for our target audience and therefore  all of the results can be used to find out information. 

Thesecond question that we asked was asking what their gender was to see what the gender was answering the survey. There was 17 males who answered and 10 females, this is not exactly even, but however on the written survey we had more males than females and therefore this made up for it. 

 The third question which was asked was 'Would you call yourself intellectual?' this was important to ask because our target audience is cultural intellects therefore we needed to see how smart the audience were who filled out the survey. From these results it shows that 48% of the responses said that they were intellectual, 19% of the responses said that they were not intellectual and 33% said that they were not sure. This therefore shows that there was a mix of different types of people who took part in the survey, which is good.


Question four asked the question 'Would you recommend this film?' we got amazing feedback on this question in the survey and I am really impressed with how good the feedback was. 96% of the viewers said that they would recommend this film to someone else, which is 26 people. Then only 4% said that they would not, which is only one person, which is amazing in my personal opinion!

Question five was 'What genre does this film seem?' I chose to write this question because I felt as though it was important to see whether people knew from the opening scene that our film was a drama type film. In this section we allowed people to write their own comments instead of choosing a multiple choice answer and therefore we could see their exact opinion on what they thought the genre of the film was. To the left I have placed some examples of what was said on the survey, the main answers which came up in the responses was either drama or thriller. This is very good as this is what the genre actually was and therefore it shows that we showed it well. It was not really a thriller but I suppose the theme of the film made it seem as though it could have been a thriller and a thriller is quite similar to a drama so it is not a negative thing really. 

The other answers which we received were horror, sad and mystery. The film is not supposed to be a horror but I suppose seeing as the girl is stuck in between life and death could make it a bit scary and therefore could be seen as a horror to some, so I do not necessarily think that this is a bad thing to be told. The feedback of it being sad isn't really great because we did not want it to be seen as depressing sad film, so maybe if we had time in the future we could have fixed in the film where it felt sad, as we did not want it to seem to dark and depressing. Finally the genre of mystery was said, this could be true as well as the character needs to find out where she is and what happened to her in the future and therefore I suppose this is in the film, but I would more say that it is a theme in the film instead of the actual genre. Altogether I feel as though the overall feedback in this section was good as most of the feedback gave the correct answer of drama and any that didn't were not too far off from having the correct genre as it was related.

Question six was 'Who do you think the target audience should be?' the feedback was varied in this answer. We basically got three different answers which were teenagers, middle aged or young adults. Obviously we were trying to aim the film to be appealing towards teenagers and middle aged and therefore it was good that this was the answer for many of the people giving feedback. However, there was a lot more answers saying that the film was for teenagers instead of middle aged. Middle aged was meant to be the primary audience, and teenagers the secondary, however this did not seem the case in the feedback we got, because of the large amount of people who said that teenagers or young people were supposed to be the target audience. Therefore in the future maybe we would have to have a look at changing the audience to teenagers instead of being middle aged as this may be more appropriate and interesting to their age.

Question seven we asked 'Would you want to watch the rest of the film?' but it got slightly cut off in the picture. Out of 27 people only three people said that they would not want to view the rest of the film. This is only 11%, and therefore 24 people said that they would want to watch the rest of the film - 89%! Which in my opinion is really good. For the people who said no may not feel as though this is the type of film which is for them, this is fair enough I think.

The eighth question was 'What did you like about the film' I think that I asked this question in a really good way, this is because I asked in the survey for people once again to write a comment about what they liked about the film instead of choosing from a multiple choice. This therefore made people get to be able to write whatever they felt and wanted to choose to mention. 

The feedback was very mixed in this question, which is good because it means that we had a large selection of different things which people liked about it. A few people mentioned that there was good suspense in the film, this is good as we wanted the audience to be interested in seeing what would happen next! Another answer also mentioned the camera shots being good, and we made sure to try to include all the camera shots which we could in the opening clip so that we could show off with everything we had learnt! Two answers mentioned the enigma codes being good and we really tried to build up our enigma in the film so therefore people would be looking forward to see what happens next as it interests them and the film is left on a cliff hanger.

Question nine was 'What did you dislike about the film?' however, I accidentally cut off the title, so it is not displayed at the top - the screenshots to the left are from the question. The feedback from this question was actually not too negative, this is because most of the feedback for this section said that it was too short or ended too quickly. This was purposely created because it was just the opening scene of the film and therefore it was meant to be pretty short. As well as this we had the feedback of them not liking the cliff-hanger, however if it was a whole film then it would not end on a cliff-hanger and it is only because it is a clip of the first part of the film.

The feedback of it saying that the film is confusing is not great and we would have to make sure to look back over the film to see whether there would be anything that we could do to make it seem less confusing to the audience.

Question tenis the final question which we asked and we asked 'What would you rate the film out of 5?' the feedback received on this question was pretty mixed, it was pretty good, but I would not say it was excellent as some people did give a poor score. 19 people gave 4/5 or above, which I think is very good, as it was only out of 27 people, and therefore only 8 people didn't give above 4.

2 people voted the film to be 1 or 2 out of 5 which is not very good, however there was only 1 on each of those scores and therefore I cannot worry about it too much because a lot more people gave it a good score.

Finally a large amount - 6 people gave the film 3/5 which is average, so we may have to possibly go back to improve some sections in the future to get a higher score when people watch.

This is the feedback which we got after showing the film to a group of ten year 10 students, some girls and some boys. I think that the way in how we asked them (short written questions) and the actual questions which we asked were good and gave us some good feedback on our film and the target audience.

On the picture to the left it shows the group of people who came to watch our film. Each of them were brilliant and did the survey well and did not mess about, they helped a lot. We played the film on the large screen so that they could all see it well.

This is the group while they were watching the film and they were all paying good attention.

Once again here is the group of people watching the film on the screen. We played the film once so that they could watch it all the way through and then after this we played it once more so that they were able to fill out the small questionnaire which we had given them to fill out, we were very grateful.