Film Poster Research

As I am doing the film posters I thought that it would be important to do some research on other film posters before I created my own. 

As I can see from the film posters they all have the title in the bottom section of the poster and are all in a white font and actually quite simple, but also the text is quite large and bold - this helps the title to stand out from the rest of the poster. And the title also falls on a darker section of the poster than the rest of it which therefore makes the white pop and stand out even more. If the title was not this bold then it would be hard for people to read it if they were further away.

The credit section is at the bottom of the poster with all of the production companies and so on. This is very small and it is actually very hard to read what it says therefore I will make sure that on our poster this will also be small and not take over the whole poster just as these examples have done.

Some of the main actors and characters are displayed in the top of the Avengers poster, I really like the idea of this, however we do not have any famous actors within our film and therefore if I did this then I would probably just display the main actress and the director in small font on the poster somewhere.

This is the picture which is displayed on the poster and it actually relates to the title of 'The Broken' therefore making the photo relevant. The image is also very clear and good quality and looks smart. I will make sure to make ours have the same effect.