Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups

Young adults are heavily represented in this opening scene as the Main Character is a young female business woman who follows a small stereotype of being independent and is maybe experiencing the 'real' word for the first time. She is represented as being self-confident and almost naive to the real world with much attention being placed upon her more 'light' and noticeable colours compared to everyone who stands around her who appear older and more experienced. This appeals to a younger audience as well as it may portray how they feel about growing up. But this does correctly show young adults living in a business world and represents their group well as while few stereotypes were used, they were used creatively and subtly and these stereotypes were a shy personal when engaging with the world showing a nervous individual and how a real young adult would act. Another stereotype was the use of more unprofessional clothing while also remaining 'business like' showing young adults independence and confidence to break new ground and test the waters of how far they can get. One more stereotype of the young adult social group is the over reaction of the main character at the sight of an incident and death shown by how the main character is obviously stunned and attempts to grab the attention of the people assisting her dead body.

Examples of Real Media Compared to our Film
We used the film opening 'Closer' and its main female actor as an inspiration as she looked very similar to the 'young adult' trope we were looking for in our character. As I mentioned, young adults don't typically wear the normal style of clothing as shown around her with her red hair being an especially prevalent part of her outfit.

We took the idea of having one prevalent article of clothing and used heels in the 'hairs stead' to make her seem 'different' from all those around her.

'Closer' was once again the influence for this as we liked how the main characters had such a strong focus on camera and so desired to replicate this onto our movie to receive the same critical success on the audience.

We achieved this in this scene by having multiple people moving around in the scene but still keeping the focus upon the main character. This was also a good scene for establishing the setting of the movie and the location to provide some background for the audience about the area that the movie is set in. This was also idea was also borrowed from the movie 'Closer' as we thought it immersed the audience early 

Cultured intellectuals are also represented however in a unorthodox method as the young adult main character has an internal monologue asking questions commonly associated with what intellectuals think about. This means that our main target audience is covered by our opening scene and so will become hooked upon the movie and continue watching. We represented these people like this as it followed general stereotypical tropes within this group so we could bring in the largest audience of this type. Furthermore, we attempted to break the stereotype that suggests that most cultured intellectuals are middle aged or are not young adults at the very least and so having a young person think and act like that might make under appreciated groups of intellectuals more interested in the film, thus increasing our audience base.

As you can see, we have shown her uniqueness by presenting her in a much different outfit than the common office worker. She is wearing high heels along with bright trousers that set her apart. Coupled with the light brown coat and fashionable bag, she is definitely set apart from the crowd and stereotypes the feelings of young adults in the world of business and within the city.

Once again, the main female character from 'Closer' was chosen to be a sort of role model when choosing what our main character should wear and this is shown by the copying of her unique dress style. Her red hair truly is the signifying factor of her difference as well as the blue coat that she wears that although may seem different, hints at conformity with its military dressage and style. We used this when deciding what coat our lead would play as something that appeared different yet subtly was conforming (showing maturity) to the world of city life and adults. It shows the progression from teenager to young adult and sympathises with the audience as they learn and change along with the film.

As mentioned previously, we wanted to contrast the young adult main character against older adults and so middle classed office workers are also highly represented in our movie and are seen almost throughout to show the stereotypes of living in a busy city and we used this positively to help immerse the audience into the world. Furthermore, many of the office workers are wearing black and helps to cement the idea that the main character is unique in the world. The black dress is also another stereotype that is positive in terms of our movie because of this as it allows us to place a eminent focus upon the main character that may have others not have been as effective as it had been