Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?


In my group I was given the task of completing section four and five. I was happy to do these tasks for my evaluation because I have enjoyed doing this. The audience which we chose to aim our film to be towards were cultural intellects, who would usually be middle aged, as a primary audience. We chose to aim our film towards the middle aged range as we really feel as though at this current point there may be a gap in the market for these types of films. We feel as though cultured intellects may really want to view this film as it is a film which really makes you think, this is because the theme of life after death is almost a bit sci-fi, but as well as that it is also a drama. Therefore I think it is for both men and women as I fee as though it is a mixture of two topics. As well as this, a reason for choosing to do middle aged people is, when looking at the chart below, we can see that the age range of 35-44 is in third place in the people who visit the cinema from a study in 2009-2010.

The secondary audience we chose to use was young adults or teenagers. We chose to do this audience because we feel as though the fact that the actress in the film is young this may attract young people to be interested in watching the film. It is also pretty fast paced and exciting and therefore it will get teenagers attentions. As well a this the way we have chosen to advertise our film - through the social media means that young people will definitely see the advertisements and therefore may be interested in watching. As you can see from the chart below 15-24 year olds are the highest amount of people who go to the cinema to view films, and therefore this is a key range of people who we are expecting will want to view our film. 

Below is a Powtoon which I created to show the genre types which we will be expecting to see our film. I felt as though Powtoon was the right application to use for this, this is because it is fun and makes sure to catch the users attention.

Below is a social media page which I have made to show what we expect our primary audience to be like. This is a visual demonstration of how to show how we think the audience will be.