
In the lesson on the 15/9/15 we learnt about Representation.It is when we are stereotyping a person, in media this is used as a short cut so whoever is viewing the film/ clip will be easily see the stereotype and understand what type of character is being played. For example if they the actor was playing an french man he would be typically dressed as the stereotype of wearing a stripy top, garlic around his neck, beret on his head and with a mustache. We also did some other stereotypes like an inner city youth and a Scottish man. We stereo-typically then choose what they would we think they look like.


Stereotypes- media inflicted to make the audience instantly understand them
Archetypes- The 'ultimate' Stereotypes
Countertype-A representation that challenges tradition stereotypical association of groups, people and places

If i was doing my own representation i would do a typical mother as an character , she would have none or simple makeup with a practical hair style. Her clothing would be plain while typically wearing a plain shirt with jeans and converses .Another representation could be someone from cattle ranch owner, i would stereotype them wearing a cowboy boots/ cowboy hat with them wearing a plait top and boot-cut jeans.

Image result for mother