Juno Video & Evaluation

In our lesson today 8/10/2015 , We were in our group my group consisted of Lollie, Aaron, Harrison and myself. Below is the video of what we filmed over one lesson and then my edited which i did in another lesson.

You are editing your own footage - how did the filming go? 
Overall the filming went very well because we followed our storyboard what we had done in detail before hand so therefore we had an exact plan of what we needed to film which made the filming 100% easier and we were able to get the shots quickly and effectively.  

Was your storyboard accurate?
Our story board was mostly accurate with some minor changes or mistakes we made for instance a mistake we made was instead of going behind the tree in scene two we made the mistake of going in front so next time for our filming will ensure we follow exactly the plan and the original video we are trying to recreate. Another thing we was missing was the scene 8 with the person walking past the guitar and the chair because the filming time we had been allocated had ran out so for future filming i will ensure we either do it our own time or made sure it is filmed correctly with all the footage needed for the future.   

What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?

Our strength as a group is that we all got on well and were willing to put in the time and effort to ensure we got out practice task as accurate as possible to the original video. Every  member of the group had been assigned a job while filming, because of this none of us clashed and we got the work done quickly and effectively.

Our weaknesses as a group is that we spent to much time filming one thing and therefore ran out of time to film some of the final scene.

Did you get all the footage you needed?
No we did not as i pointed out above, our fault in this is that we ran out of time to film all the final scenes so in the future we will allocate our time more wisely or each scenes. Our fault in this is that we tried to try and get our scenes as spot on as possible to the original and therefore over ran on some scenes.

What technical skills either camera or premiere did you learn? How does it compare to the original?
Some of the technical skills that we learnt was to make our cuts smoother by adding in transitions and also how to ensure two videos were playing on one scene with the same music playing.

What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production
Things what went is that we made an accurate storyboard that we could easily follow, which lead to us all working well and sufficiently. Things to improve on the next production to ensure our time management is on track and that we include every scene that is needed for the production.