Juno Behind the scenes

Here are some photos from behind filming juno, we took these photos to prove it was actually us filming as you can see we had a good time filming and worked well as a group.

Juno Video & Evaluation

In our lesson today 8/10/2015 , We were in our group my group consisted of Lollie, Aaron, Harrison and myself. Below is the video of what we filmed over one lesson and then my edited which i did in another lesson.

You are editing your own footage - how did the filming go? 
Overall the filming went very well because we followed our storyboard what we had done in detail before hand so therefore we had an exact plan of what we needed to film which made the filming 100% easier and we were able to get the shots quickly and effectively.  

Was your storyboard accurate?
Our story board was mostly accurate with some minor changes or mistakes we made for instance a mistake we made was instead of going behind the tree in scene two we made the mistake of going in front so next time for our filming will ensure we follow exactly the plan and the original video we are trying to recreate. Another thing we was missing was the scene 8 with the person walking past the guitar and the chair because the filming time we had been allocated had ran out so for future filming i will ensure we either do it our own time or made sure it is filmed correctly with all the footage needed for the future.   

What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?

Our strength as a group is that we all got on well and were willing to put in the time and effort to ensure we got out practice task as accurate as possible to the original video. Every  member of the group had been assigned a job while filming, because of this none of us clashed and we got the work done quickly and effectively.

Our weaknesses as a group is that we spent to much time filming one thing and therefore ran out of time to film some of the final scene.

Did you get all the footage you needed?
No we did not as i pointed out above, our fault in this is that we ran out of time to film all the final scenes so in the future we will allocate our time more wisely or each scenes. Our fault in this is that we tried to try and get our scenes as spot on as possible to the original and therefore over ran on some scenes.

What technical skills either camera or premiere did you learn? How does it compare to the original?
Some of the technical skills that we learnt was to make our cuts smoother by adding in transitions and also how to ensure two videos were playing on one scene with the same music playing.

What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production
Things what went is that we made an accurate storyboard that we could easily follow, which lead to us all working well and sufficiently. Things to improve on the next production to ensure our time management is on track and that we include every scene that is needed for the production.

Juno Storyboard Overview

As you can see below is our story board for our group. We analysed all of the scenes what we are filming in immense detail to help us know what exactly what we needed to film for our practice task. In the story boards we recorded of all thew filming shots what are needed to be in the scenes, for example the first scene is a tracking shot- long, with nirmal level angle walking along - 10 seconds.

Overall, because of the storyboard we had a well structured plan of what exactly we needed to film and shots we needed to include to make the recantation as close as possible to the original movie .In each scene we had exactly where we were filming, how long for and what camera shots were going to be used, because of this planning we were able to recreate the first 65 seconds as close as possible for first time filming.

Our juno task

What we are doing.

We got given a practice task of recreating the first minute of the first scene out the the film Juno. In this task we had to make it as realistic as possible to the original video. To do this we had to be creative as possible, for example finding areas near us similar to the ones in the original video so we could film there. We also had to use our own resources like using a chair with wheels to make a tracking shot smoother for the a scene in the practice task. After doing the filming i plan to edit the video so i can add effects for example making the transitions smoother so it can be as close as possible to the original movie. Obviously this is our first time filming so initially some mistakes will be made but if this does occur i plan to talk about this in my evaluation and how i can improve it for my future films. 

Here is the video what we are recreating. 


In the lesson on the 15/9/15 we learnt about Representation.It is when we are stereotyping a person, in media this is used as a short cut so whoever is viewing the film/ clip will be easily see the stereotype and understand what type of character is being played. For example if they the actor was playing an french man he would be typically dressed as the stereotype of wearing a stripy top, garlic around his neck, beret on his head and with a mustache. We also did some other stereotypes like an inner city youth and a Scottish man. We stereo-typically then choose what they would we think they look like.


Stereotypes- media inflicted to make the audience instantly understand them
Archetypes- The 'ultimate' Stereotypes
Countertype-A representation that challenges tradition stereotypical association of groups, people and places

If i was doing my own representation i would do a typical mother as an character , she would have none or simple makeup with a practical hair style. Her clothing would be plain while typically wearing a plain shirt with jeans and converses .Another representation could be someone from cattle ranch owner, i would stereotype them wearing a cowboy boots/ cowboy hat with them wearing a plait top and boot-cut jeans.

Image result for mother


Independent VS Mainstream Film

The only numbers collected for going to see a film are 16-24 year olds and the cinema only really makes money from Popcorn and drinks.

Distributors get your film in the cinema. Its really hard to get an independent film in a cinema because the cinema knows less people will go in to see it which means less money spent on popcorn, so sometimes the distributors have to pay the cinema to get it shown. It works the other way with Mainstream films, and the cinema will be making most of there money from popcorn once again.