Teacher Feedback

Teacher Feedback

We showed our video to the class and below is the feedback in which we received from the viewers.

First teacher feedback:
 - Acting is good.
- Good angles and the shot sizes.
Lying down shot is good.

To improve
- Sound editing needs to be smoothed out between transitions and levels.
- Voice over should be fixed.

Second teacher feedback:
- Good acting.
- Framing is nice.
- Good variety of shots.
- Like the idea of jolly music... Could also use non dietetic sound to signify the massive tonal shift.

To improve:
- Walking shot with titles feels slightly off.
- Lighting/brightness not good in a walking scene.

Shot List

Shot List
Shot 1- Long shot of her coming out of the train station on the phone.
Shot 2- Closer tracking shot as she walks by.
Shot 3- Cut to shot in-front of her as she walks towards the camera
Shot 4- Close up of face (Show blood)
Shot 5- Shot of shoes walking
Shot 6- Body shot of business suit.
Shot 7- Shot of phone next to ear and her talking.
Shot 8- New (quieter) street where the crash occurred
Shot 9- Have her notice the crowd
Shot 10- Walk up to the crowd and peer over
Shot 11- POV of her seeing dead body on the floor through the crowd.
Shot 12- Have a reaction and her moving through the crowd toward the body, Shot from within the crowd.
Shot 13- Close up of her kneeling over the body and removing the hood of the trench coat.
Shot 14- Dead body POV shot of her reaction to seeing body.
Shot 15- Body shot of her standing back up stunned
Shot 16- Continuation of this with her trying to get attention of crowd member.
Shot 17- Closer shot of her face as she attempts to get attention
Shot 18- Shot of her feet stepping back in shock
Shot 19- Have her clasp her face in shock and fall to floor in sadness/fear. 
Shot 20- Use shot 19 and have closer of sad face as she hunched over.
(Initiate internal monologue here)
Shot 21- Various scenes during her internal monologue and have her move over toward her own body. 
Shot 22- End on POV shot of her thinking toward the dead body and crying.