
The person at the front of the picture is clearly the main character because of his prominence. He is also larger and bigger than the other characters showing that he is the most important/ main character. This character is also wearing black and yellow which represents danger like a wasp or a bee. He facial expression also says a lot because he is smirking which gives a hint that he is satisfied but wants more of something e.g. money.

There is a lot of chaos in the background of this poster which is set in a work office. All the background characters seem to be having a huge party. There is also gold confetti at the top of the poster of the film and confetti is normally used in a celebration of some sorts also the colour gold represents fortune so clearly the company is earning a lot of money and is having a chaotic party to celebrate.

Throughout the whole picture there is money notes scattered across the floor meaning the character could be quite selfish and careless of what happens to the money. This also they have a lot of disposable money to spend on pointless things what are shown in the picture e.g. the monkey. stripper and the midget to throw.